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Eid Mubarak!!!

Assalaam alaikum wa Rahmat Allah wa barakatuhu.

The Japan Ruya Committee announced that Ramadan ended at sunset on Sunday, March 30, and the Eid Prayer will be performed tomorrow morning.

In Kyoto, it is at 9:00 on Monday, March 31, at Miyako Messe. 

You are adviced to come to the place with your Wudu made at home.

May Allah ta'ala protect us all and bestow upon us His peace and blessings.


Assalaam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.

We hope that you are well in this holy month of Ramadan.

As the end of the month is approaching, tonight, the Ruya Committee of Japan will announce the result of moon-watching and its decision on when Ramadan ends.

Possibilities are two: (1) With a new moon observed, Ramadan ends at the sunset of Sunday, March 30, and we enter the month of Shawwal (Eid al-Fitr), or (2) with a new moon Not observed, we will fast one more day (the 30th day of Ramadan) and Eid al-Fitr will start at the sunset of Monday, March 31.

As for the Eid Prayer, if the case is (1), in Kyoto, we will pray at 9:00 on Monday, March 31 (Place: Miyako Messe), and if it is (2), we will pray at 8:30 on Tuesday, April 1 (Place: Kyoto Grand Mosque). 

Please wait for the announcement around 20:30 to 21:30 tonight (March 30, 2025).

May Allah ta'ala protect you all and bestow upon you His blessings.


Assalaam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.

Tonight, the Ruya Committee of Japan announced that the beginning of the Holy Month of Ramadan for this Hijra Year of 1446 would start after the sunset of March 1, 2025 (Saturday), so the first day of fasting would be on Sunday.

May Allah ta'ala protect you all and bestow upon you His blessings.



Assalaam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.

At the night of June 7, the Ruya Committee of Japan announced that the holy month of Dhu al-Hijja had arrived, al-hamdu li-Allah ta'ala.

Accordingly, we will pray Salat Eid al-Adha on June 17, Monday.

At Kyoto Grand Mosque, there will be two opportunities for Jama'a prayer. Please come to either of them. Please do you wudu before coming to the Mosque.

May Allah ta'ala protect you all and bestow upon you His blessings.



Eid Mubarak!

Tonight, on April 9 Tuesday, the Ruya Committee of Japan decided on the vision of the new moon based on the report from Malaysia.  We entered the month of Shawwal and Eid al-Fitr began. Congratulations for successfully completing the fasting of the holy month of Ramadan.

Eid Prayer will be held tomorrow morning.

We have reserved a hall at Miyako Messe for  Salat Eid al-Fitr tomorrow (Wednesday). The hall will be open at 9:00 and the prayer will be at 9:30, insha Allah ta'ala.

Please come to Miyako Messe with your wudu done at home, and with your prayer mats.

Kull Am wa Antum bi-Khayr!


Iftar at Grand Kyoto Mosque

During the holy month of Ramadan, Kyoto Muslim Association (KMA), as a registered religious corporation, held 13 Iftar meetings on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays (plus a national holiday). As a total, more than 1,300 Brothers and sisters attended Iftar meetings, breaking fast together, and praying together, al-hamdu li-Allah ta'ala.

We wish you a very blessed Ramadan for you all.


Ramadan Kareem!

Brothers and sisters, this is to announce that the holy month of Ramadan in the Hijra Year of 1445 AH started at the sunset of 11th March 2024.
     Fasting will start on 12th of March 2024.

We wish you a very blessed Ramadan for you all.

At Kyoto Grand Mosque at Kojinguchi, Kyoto City, we pray Salat al-Taraweeh from the night of 11 March, 2024.

Community Iftar at Kyoto Grand Mosque will be held every Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays after the sunset. Adding to these days, we will hold an Iftar on 20th of March since it is a national holiday. 

May Allah the Most High bestow upon all brothers and sisters His blessings, peace, and protection!

Kull sana wa antum bi-khayr!


Eid Mubarak!

Brothers and sisters, congratulations for completing your fasting in this holy month of Ramadan in the Hijra Year of 1444 AH.

Al-hamdu li-Allah ta'ala, we have entered the month of Shawwal as of the sunset of April 21, Friday.

So, please come to Kyoto Grand Mosque by 8:30 today, on April 22, Saturday, for the Eid prayer. 

At Kyoto Grand Mosque at Kojinguchi, Kyoto City, we pray Salat al-Eid with brothers (underground prayer hall), sisters (ground floor), and children.

May Allah the Most High bestow upon all brothers and sisters His blessings, peace, and protection!

Kull sana wa antum bi-khayr!

2023.04.20 at 21:00

Eid al-Fitr is from Saturday!

Brothers and sisters, congratulations for your fasting in this holy month of Ramadan in the Hijra Year of 1444 AH.

Al-hamdu li-Allah ta'ala, we have finished fasting on the 29th day of Ramadan.

After the sunset of today, April 20, Thursday, the Ruya Committee of Japan had a meeting to decide the end of Ramadan, and it has announced that, since the new moon wasn't observed, we will fast one more day (Friday),  and at sunset on Friday, we will enter the month of Shawwal and Eid al-Fitr.

So, please come to Kyoto Grand Mosque by 8:30 on Saturday morning for the Eid prayer. 

At Kyoto Grand Mosque at Kojinguchi, Kyoto City, we pray Salat al-Eid with brothers, sisters, and children.

We have been serving Iftar at Kyoto Grand Mosque on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays throughout Ramadan.

So, tomorrow (Friday), the last fasting day of this year's Ramadan, we will serve you the last Iftar of this Ramadan. So please join us for Iftar.

May Allah the Most High bestow you and bestow us His blessings and protection!

Kull sana wa antum bi-khayr!


Ramadan Kareem!

The holy month of Ramadan in the Hijra Year of 1444 AH started at the sunset of March 22, Wednesday, 2023 in Japan. Fasting starts after 4:17 on March 23 in Kyoto (Please see Ramadan Calendar).

After the sunset, the Ruya Committee of Japan has decided, following the observation of the new moon in Malaysia, the most close Islamic country to Japan, the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan. It was announced around 21:00 tonight.

At Kyoto Grand Mosque at Kojinguchi, Kyoto City, we pray Salat al-Isha around 20:00 and Tarawih prayers afterward.

We are still wearing masks during the prayers, so please keep the minimum requirements for the prevention of the spread of the COVID-19. Let's have wonderful fasting days with brothers and sisters, keeping your health well.

May Allah the Most High bestow you and bestow us His blessings and protection!

We are holding "Single Persons Iftar" at the sunset every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Please join us if you don't have someone to break fast together.

Kull sana wa antum bi-khayr!


Eid is coming!

The holy month of Ramadan in the Hijra Year of 1443 AH entered its Day 29.

After the sunset of May 1, Sunday, the Ruya Committee of Japan will observe the new moon. if it is seen, it will be announced around 21:00 today, and May 2, Monday, will be Eid al-Fitr. Please pay your Zakat al-Fitr (1,500 yen per family member) before Eid prayer. If the new moon is not seen, it will be announced so around 21:00 today, then May 2 will be the last fasing day of this holy month of Ramadan. Eid prayer will be held on May 3. Tuesday.

At Kyoto Grand Mosque at Kojinguchi, Kyoto City, we pray Salat Eid al-Fitr at 8:00 in the morning, either on Monday or Tuesday, according to the Ruya observation. When you come to our Masjid, please keep the social distance and other anti-infection rules strictly.

We wish you all a blessed Eid.


Ramadan Kareem!

The holy month of Ramadan in the Hijra Year of 1443 AH started at the sunset of April 2, 2022, Sunday.

Brothers and sisters, conglaturations!

May Allah ta'ala protect us all and bestow upon us abundant blessings!

At Kyoto Grand Mosque at Kojinguchi, Kyoto City, we pray Salat al-Isha and al-Taraweeh at 20:00. When you come to our Masjid, please keep the social distance and other anti-infection rules strictly.

As for the Ramadan Calendar with Kyoto times, please see the calendar.

We wish you all a blessed Ramadan.


Assalaam alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu.

The Ruya Commiittee of Japan made observation activities for the new moon of Ramadan tonight and the new moon was not observed. In the nearest Muslim country, Malaysia, which we in Japan follow in case we don't see the moon ourselves, they didn't see the new moon. Therefore, it is the 30th of Shaban tonight, and the holy month of Ramadan will start on Saturday at its sunset.

We will start fasting from just before the Fajr time of April 3, Sunday (please see the calendar).

We wish you all a blessed Ramadan.

May Allah ta'ala accept from you and us all our good deeds during Ramadan and forgive us all for our shortcomings and mistakes!

At Kyoto Grand Mosque at Kojinguchi, Kyoto City, we pray Salat al-Isha and al-Taraweeh at 20:00. We you attend the prayer, please keep the social distance and other anti-infection rules strictly.


Eid Mubarak!

We send our warmest greetings and best wishes for the Blessed Eid al-Fitr to all brothers and sisters.

While we cannot meet for Eid prayer due to the COVID-19 situation, please celebrate the Eid at your home and pray at home.

May Allah ta'ala accept from you and us all our good deeds during Ramadan and forgive us all for our shortcomings and mistakes!

2021.05.11 after the sunset

The 29th day of Ramadan ended today at the sunset. 

Ru'ya Committee of Japan has announced that it is  the 30th day of Ramadan tonight and tomorrow, and that 1st of Shawwal will be May 13, 2021.

As for the Eid prayer on May 13, Thursday morning, please celebrate the Eid at your home and pray at home, due to the emergency declaration to prevent the spread of the Covid-19.

May Allah ta'ala protect you and us all and bestow abundant rewards for our fasting and worship!

2021.04.12 at night

Ramadan Kareem!

Ru'ya Committee of Japan has decided tonight that the holy month of Ramadan started at the sunset of April 12, 2021, thus April 13, 2021 will be the first fasiting day of Ramadan of 1442 AH.

May Allah ta'ala bestow you abundant blessings!

2020.05.22 at night

Eid al-Fitr will start on May 24, 2020, Sunday!

Tomorrow, May 23, 2020, Saturday will be the 30th day of Ramadan! One more fasting day.

The Ruya Committee of Japan has just announced that a new moon was not observed in Japan. In Malaysia, the nearest Islamic country to Japan, it was also not observed.

Due to the Coronavirus situation, Eid prayer WILL NOT not be conducted together in Kyoto. Please do pray at home.

Zakat al-Fitr is 1,500 yen per person (same rate for both adults and children). For a family, its head is reposible to pay Zakat al-fitr for all members of the family. If you have not paid it, please pay your due before Sunday morning, to help your needy brothers and sisters.


After today's sunset, the Ruya Committee of Japan will make observation of a new month. If a new moon is observed, the holy month of Ramadan ends today. If not, tomorrow (Saturday) will be the last day of Ramadan, and we will complete 30 days of fasiting.

The announcement will be made around 20:30 on May 22, 2020, Friday, inshAllah.


The government of Japan has lifted the declaration of emergency in Kansai Area, including Kyoto Prefecture today. Accordingly, the Governor Nishiwaki of Kyoto Prefecture decided to ease most of restrictions as of May 23, 2020.

However, large gatherings are still restricted nationwide. 

There are warnings from the scientists on possibilitiy of the seond and third waves of the Coronavirus infections. Please try best to keep your health and  hygiene conditions.


Ramadan Kareem! To all brothers and sisters of the Ummah.

We have posted the calender-time schedule of Ramadan of 1441 AH for Kyoto, Japan.

Please see here.


Ramadan Kareem!!

Tonight, the Ruya Committee of Japan has declared that we have entered the holy month of Ramadan as of the sunset of April 23, Thursday. We will sstart fasting on April 24, Friday just before Fajr time.

We wish you all the best in this holy month.

May Allah the Most High protect us all and bestow us peace and blessings!


The holy month of Ramadan is coming!

On April 23, 2020, Thurdsay, the Ruya Committee of Japan will make observation of a new moon around the counrty. If a new moon is observed, tomorrow night will the first night of Ramadan, and Saturday will be the first fasting day.

If not, the Friday night will be the first night of Ramadan, and fasting will starts on Saturday.

Please wait for an announcement around 21:00 on April 23, Thursday.


The holy month of Ramadan is coming!

On April 23, 2020, Thurdsay, the Ruya Committee of Japan will make observation of a new moon around the counrty. If a new moon is observed, tomorrow night will the first night of Ramadan, and Saturday will be the first fasting day.

If not, the Friday night will be the first night of Ramadan, and fasting will starts on Saturday.

Please wait for an announcement around 21:00 on April 23, Thursday.

Marhaba! Welcome to the Official Web site of
Kyoto Muslim Association (KMA)
and Kyoto Grand Mosque. 

Registered Islamic religious corporation at the historical and cultural heart of Japan, Kyoto.


Welcome to Kyoto, welcome to KMA!